Jodie Liptak is a Senior Career Transition Consultant at Ratliff & Taylor, the largest full-service talent management consultancy in the Midwest. Jodie’s primary focus is coaching mid to senior-level candidates through their career transition journey. She also teaches several Master Classes and maintains oversight of the course content.
Jodie’s depth of experience in recruiting, coaching and human resources has led to her true passion of coaching others through their career journey while leveraging her empathy and sense of humor to navigate what is often compared to quite the roller coaster ride. Her superpowers include her passion for continuous improvement, her ability to adapt in an ever-changing environment, and her keen eye for detail.
Before joining Ratliff & Taylor, Jodie was an HR Business Partner with both Vitamix and Swagelok. She began her HR career as a Recruiter for KeyBank. And most notably, her first post-collegiate job was with a small outplacement firm where she gained her first taste of working in Career Transition.
Outside of work, as a mom, wife, and daughter, there’s not a whole lot of time for much else. While her family might call her a nag, her career transition clients consider her a great accountability partner!