When Dad passed away, I thought we would have to take care of Mom’s daily affairs. Throughout their 63 years of marriage, she had always been unassuming and allowed Dad to deal with all the family matters. Eighteen months after his death, however, Mom’s command of her family, the farm and her finances is unparalleled. When I asked her recently how she did it she simply responded, “I never said too much, but I watched everything.”
My learning from this experience is that we all have “gems hidden in plain sight” throughout our organizations. Just because they sit back and let others shine does not mean they are unaware, unable or lack interest. In fact, many are prepared to step up the very moment they are needed. We should always be looking for these types of individuals.
As leaders, it is easy to spot the “gems” who take steps to show off their capabilities. Our challenge, and opportunity, is to create an environment where the “hidden gems” feel just as comfortable stepping out into the light. Your organization takes flight when everyone’s brilliance is on full display.
Be intentional about it…
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