Executive Search
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Leadership Development
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Executive Coaching
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Career Transition
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Executive's Update
“Business People in the People Business”
Several years ago, a Fortune 500 CEO spoke at a Human Resources conference on the topic of “HR Getting a Seat at the Table”. His message was simple but powerful: “If Human Resource leaders want to earn a seat at the table, and the respect of their peers, they must first go out and start fixing business problems unrelated to HR.” Stated differently, you can’t lead a business through the lens of an HR leader. Instead, you must lead the HR function through the lens of a business leader.
Over the years, we have watched as HR leaders became strategic business partners, and as CEOs embraced the people of their respective organizations as a key competitive advantage.
“Business People in the People Business”. This has been and continues to be an underlying philosophy at Ratliff & Taylor. It drives the way we develop our programs, deliver our services and meet the needs of our clients. It is the reason we have become trusted advisors to so many business executives across the region.
Members of the consulting and leadership teams at Ratliff & Taylor have deep business experience across a variety of industries. Most have held senior leadership roles in areas such as Finance, Operations, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources and General Management.
Our team of business professionals can “walk in the shoes” of our clients and candidates alike. We understand that a company’s investment in its people, just like other forms of capital, must yield a tangible return. As such, our programs and services are tailored to ensure there is a meaningful ROI on each of our engagements.
Because of our business experience, the people of Ratliff & Taylor think in terms of process, structure, efficiency and accountability. We expect it from our vendors and we should offer no less to our valued clients.
As the largest full-service talent management consultancy in Ohio, we understand the “people business”. As business people who understand the people business, our belief is that we offer a strategic competitive advantage to our clients.
Beth Sweeney, President
Mike Milby, Chief Executive Officer
Executive Search
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Leadership Development
Enhancing team and organizational performance through innovative programs and approaches that generate transformational change.
Executive Coaching
Increasing leadership capabilities of senior executives, emerging leaders and high potentials through a combination of contemporary and time-honored approaches.
Career Transition
Blending best-in-class technology and one-to-one coaching with experienced, certified consultants to help individuals navigate their transition to a new career.
Executive Search
Delivering exceptional results and consistently outperforming industry metrics across a broad range of functions, industries and markets.
Leadership Development
Enhancing team and organizational performance through innovative programs and approaches that generate transformational change.
Executive Coaching
Increasing leadership capabilities of senior executives, emerging leaders and high potentials through a combination of contemporary and time-honored approaches.
Career Transition
Blending best-in-class technology and one-to-one coaching with experienced, certified consultants to help individuals navigate their transition to a new career.
Full suite of assessment tools to support development and growth
Management Research Group’s Instrument Suite:
Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™
Personal Directions
Individual Directions Inventory®
Sales Performance Assessment™
Emotional Intelligence
- Service Excellence Model
- Multi-Health System’s Emotional Quotient Inventories – EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360
- WILEY DiSC Assessment Family - Workplace Profile, Productive Conflict, Manager Profile, Sales Profile, Work of Leaders, and 363 for Leaders
- Strengths Finder 2.0
- Five Functions of a Team
- Additional validated tools used for select engagements
- Pearson TalentLens – Workplace Personality Inventory™ Assessment Family
HR Innovation
- Board and Leadership Retreat Planning & Facilitation
- Strategic Business Planning & Facilitation
- Succession Planning & Talent Review
- Organizational Design
- Team Building
- Vision, Mission, Core-Value Creation
- Performance Management
- General HR Consultation
Let us help you find the right-fit talent
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Send us a message or call us at (216) 901-6000
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