Developing a Culture of Trust:
Effective, Efficient & Expressive Communication
Tickets are on sale now! Creating trusted relationships has never been more important for successful leadership. Leaders who work with people rather than through people realize better outcomes and performance. Leaders who engage in high-level communication, know themselves and have the ability to read others are better able to achieve higher levels of accountability and performance.
Leaders will:
- Utilize tenants of Emotional Intelligence to practice aligning words, emotions and body language through engagement exercises
- Examine components of trust essential to the development of productive work and team relationships
- Explore six fundamental components of speech and identify them within the most common communication situations in the workplace
- Engage in a process of asking powerful (and different) questions as a foundation of leadership and managing productive and sometimes difficult conversations
- Examine the Five Languages of Appreciation and apply its principles to diverse work environments
Reserve your spot before they’re sold out! Tickets available now.
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