A diverse group of people who share the same core values can create exceptional cultures and organizational outcomes. A group of individuals, no matter how talented, who do not share the same values cannot. Unfortunately, it only takes one individual with a different set of core values to disrupt the harmony and effectiveness of an […]
Mike's #BeIntentional Blog
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 46
“You don’t show up well in these situations and here are the things you must do differently to be more effective.” Have you ever heard a President or CEO receive feedback like this from one of their employees? If so, then you were probably witnessing a very healthy culture and work environment. People regularly tell […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 45
Each of us walks a fine line between pride and jealousy as we watch our successors grow in the organization. Knowing that we played a part in the achievements of others is a great source of pride…but watching them take on responsibilities that once were exclusively ours can leave us feeling vulnerable. Just as our […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 44
“In school, there is no substitute for intelligence. At work, however, there is no substitute for effort.” This was my response to our son several years ago when he talked about how hard he had to work in college to keep pace with several of his friends who rarely cracked a book. While he is […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 43
Being proud of who you are and what you have accomplished is one thing…making sure everyone else knows just how important you are is quite another. In describing a corporate executive recently, a colleague of mine said, “I learned everything I needed to know about him when I read his biography on the company website. […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 42
“The ends justify the means.” This quote, attributed to Niccolo´ Machiavelli, is the logic used by some leaders when addressing tough people issues like taking corrective action or discharging someone. If the objective of correcting or exiting an employee while protecting the legal and financial interests of the company is met, then the leader believes […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 41
Certain rocks, when put under pressure, become diamonds. A similar amount of pressure applied to other rocks creates gravel. The same is true for leaders. Some leaders rise to the challenge and sparkle when facing the most difficult of circumstances. Others simply crumble under the pressure and spotlight. In my experience, the leaders who shine […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 40
Respect your people’s time. When meeting a customer, we arrive fifteen minutes early to avoid any mishaps. We are diligent about keeping personal appointments and call ahead if we are running a few minutes late. However, we often fail to extend the same courtesy when meeting with our employees…and we allow ourselves to believe that […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 39
It’s time to lighten up! Great leaders recognize that their work and the role they play is serious business, but they don’t take themselves too seriously. They have a way of making people feel inspired instead of pressured…and they figure out how to have the greatest amount of fun during the most difficult of times. […]
Mike’s #BeIntentional — 38
I am often guilty of trying to become some of the leaders I admire most. I start mirroring their mannerisms, energy levels and word choices. I’m not sure if it is driven by my desire to become the leader they are or my lack of confidence in the leader I am. Incorporating the positive attributes […]